Tuesday, December 23, 2014

How to assign Oracle Workflow Administrator privileges to users

The workflow administrator privilege can be assigned to a particular user, responsibility or to everyone. The setup is done using the Administration function. Navigate to ‘Workflow Administrator (Responsibility) => Administrator Workflow (Menu) => Administration (Function).

In the field ‘Workflow System Administrator’ set the value to which you want to assign the workflow administrator privilege.

· To make ‘SYSADMIN’ user the workflow system administrator set the value as ‘SYSADMIN’

· To make all users workflow system administrators set the value as ‘*’.

·        To make all users having a particular responsibility as workflow system administrators choose the responsibility using the torch button. Generally, the responsibility ‘Workflow Administrator Web (New)’ is chosen for this purpose.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

How to enable Workflow ‘Notifications Search’ in Oracle Apps R12

How to enable ‘Notifications Search’ in Oracle Apps R12
The workflow notifications search functionality is not enabled by default in R12. You need to assign the corresponding search function as described below.
Step 1
Identify the menu attached to the responsibility in which you want to provide the notification search functionality.
Make an entry in the menu with prompt ‘Notifications Search’ and function ‘Workflow Notification Search’

Step 2
Assign the role ‘WF_ADMIN_ROLE’ either individually to the users or to the responsibility. This can be using the ‘Users Management’ responsibility. Search for the User to which you want to assign the role and then click the ‘Update’ icon.

Step 3
On the next page, click ‘Assign Roles’ and assign the role ‘Workflow Admin Role’ to the user.

Step 4
Now when the user logs in to applications, the Notification Search will be visible.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

How to Set Org Context in Oracle Apps R12

mo_global.init ('PO');   -- The short name of the application
mo_global.set_policy_context('S',103); -- ‘S’ for single org and second parameter for the Org ID

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

How to grant Oracle Workflow Roles to FND Users

There are two possible ways

If the Workflow Role is a EBS responsibility, you can simply assign the responsibility to the FND User. (i.e. this can be achieved using the application forms).

If the Workflow Roles is not a EBS responsibility, i.e. it has been created as an ad-hoc role using the WF_DIRECTORY.CreateAdHocRole API then you need to assign the role to user also using the WF_DIRECTORY.AddUsersToAdHocRole API.  (There is no way to achieve this using application forms, it can be done only using API).

Monday, January 20, 2014

Oracle OPM Interview Questions

1)      What are the different types of manufacturing processes? And what are the primary differences between them? OR
Explain Process Manufacturing v/s Discrete manufacturing?

2)      What are the modules that come under oracle’s OPM solution?

Answer: OPM includes OPM Process Planning, Product Development(which includes Formula,Recipe,Quality), Production, Financials(Costing,MAC), Logistics, Regulatory Management etc. These are products which come under this umbrella..
·         OPM Cost Management
·         OPM Formula Management
·         OPM Intelligence
·         OPM Inventory Management
·         OPM Laboratory Management
·         OPM Master Production Scheduling
·         OPM Material Requirements Planning
·         OPM Production Management
·         OPM Purchasing Management
·         OPM Quality Management
·         OPM Capacity
·         OPM Sales Management
·         Oracle Financial
3)      Name and explain frequently used terms in Oracle Process Manufacturing?

4)      Name some important tables used in OPM? ORWhich tables stores the formula information?

1)      select a.FORMULA_ID,a.formula_no,a.FORMULA_DESC1,b.INVENTORY_ITEM_ID,c.description,b.organization_id,decode(b.line_type,-1,’Ingredient’,'Product’) Type
from FM_FORM_MST a,FM_MATL_DTL b,mtl_system_items c
where a.formula_id=b.FORMULA_ID
and b.ORGANIZATION_ID=:your_Org_id
and b.INVENTORY_ITEM_ID=c.inventory_item_id
and b.ORGANIZATION_ID=c.organization_id
order by a.FORMULA_ID

2)      Select b.RECIPE_DESCRIPTION,a.RECIPE_VALIDITY_RULE_ID,c.INVENTORY_ITEM_ID,d.description,decode(c.line_type,-1,’Ingredient’,'Product’) Type,
from apps.GME_BATCH_HEADER a,apps.gmd_recipes b,gmd_recipe_validity_rules grr,apps.gme_material_details c,apps.mtl_system_items d,apps.mtl_material_transactions e
and grr.RECIPE_ID=b.recipe_id
and c.ORGANIZATION_ID=d.organization_id
and a.batch_id=e.TRANSACTION_SOURCE_ID
and a.batch_no in (select batch_no from apps.GME_BATCH_HEADER where trunc(plan_start_date) between :from_date and :to_date)
and a.ORGANIZATION_ID=:your_org_id
and trunc(e.transaction_date) between :from_date and :to_date

5)  Explain what do you mean by  Formula and Recipe?
Formula is Ingredients and their proportions
Receipe is Formula + Routing.

6) What are different kinds of losses?
Fixed loss and Variable loss.

Also, visit the following link for topics on which the interview questions can be asked for Oracle SQL, Database, Forms and Report